This unsolicited SPAM email screenshot from Web Consultancy Group Ltd was first uploaded on May 23rd, 2017 at 14:53. The content of the post will have been updated multiple times since.
Note: Web Consultancy Group Ltd (company number 07924238) has been renamed to Web Consultancy Ltd and all ordinary shares are owned by Visibility Group Ltd (company number 08887771), all Visibility Group Ltd ordinary shares are owned by Stephen Hall who used to own all ordinary shares of DLH Web Consultancy Ltd (company number 07924238: closed) and Web Consultancy Ltd: accurate February 2020.
I received a SPAM email from the new business Web Consultancy Group Ltd from Elizabeth Mulligan: so she is still working in Middlesbrough for the new business with the very similar business name and still email SPAMMING. Accurate in May 2017.
Below is the full unsolicited SPAM email from Web Consultancy Group including all headers (nothing removed) I received in May 2017. If you have the knowledge to understand this, you’ll agree it’s an unsolicited SPAM email probably sent via the Interspire Email Marketing Software (note the unsubscribe link URL) which can send thousands of emails per campaign.
Email Title: New Enquiry
X-Account-Key: account4
X-UIDL: 0000f5604abbaf9d
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
X-Mozilla-Keys: $label1
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9BF5EC031E
for <>; Tue, 23 May 2017 04:28:47 -0700 (MST)
Received: from (puck1190 [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTPA id C97ED19C854
for <>; Tue, 23 May 2017 11:03:01 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: New Enquiry
Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 09:15:09 +0000
From: "Elizabeth Mulligan" <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer-LID: 14
List-Unsubscribe: <>
X-Mailer-RecptId: 550964
X-Mailer-SID: 20
X-Mailer-Sent-By: 1
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; charset="UTF-8"; boundary="b1_c3ac0f5b69700447817345cdb00003c3"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Antivirus: Avast (VPS 170523-0, 23/05/2017), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Hello, my name is Elizabeth.
I didn’t want to cold call your business as we all find that annoying if
we're busy; instead I was hoping this email would make it possible to
arrange a quick chat at your convenience?
I'm hoping to discuss how, if at all, you would like to improve your
I'm sure you receive many emails offering similar, meaning I need to try
and stand out. I'm from North Yorkshire, I pride myself on the service we
provide, I always go the extra mile for customers and I have many
to back this up.
I'd like to offer you a free in-depth website audit that will cover many
factors on how to improve your conversion. This audit is completely free
and will
benefit any website owner, all reports will be sent directly to you via
If you would like to see the report on your website just let me know and
they will
be run straight away (no obligation).
Kind Regards,
Elizabeth Mulligan
Web Consultancy
21 Gosford Street
North Yorkshire
01642 049 410
We always strive to email businesses that we feel could benefit from our
your details will be blocked from our server permanently, you will not
receive any future correspondence.
Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Hello, my name is Elizabeth.<br /><br />I didn’t want to cold call
your business as we all find that annoying if<br />we're busy; instead I
was hoping this email would make it possible to<br />arrange a quick chat
at your convenience?<br /><br />I'm hoping to discuss how, if at all, you
would like to improve your website?<br /><br />I'm sure you receive many
emails offering similar, meaning I need to try<br />and stand out. I'm from
North Yorkshire, I pride myself on the service we<br />provide, I always go
the extra mile for customers and I have many testimonials<br />to back this
up.<br /><br />I'd like to offer you a free in-depth website audit that
will cover many important<br />factors on how to improve your conversion.
This audit is completely free and will<br />benefit any website owner, all
reports will be sent directly to you via email.<br /><br />If you would
like to see the report on your website just let me know and they will<br
/>be run straight away (no obligation).<br /><br />Kind Regards, <br
/><strong>Elizabeth Mulligan</strong><br />Web Consultancy<br />21 Gosford
Street<br />Middlesbrough<br />North Yorkshire<br />TS2 1BB<br /><br
/>01642 049 410<br /><br /><br />We always
strive to email businesses that we feel could benefit from our services; <a
/>your details will be blocked from our server permanently, you will not
receive any future correspondence.<br />
height="1" width="10"></body>
This is an unsolicited email to an email address from a domain I wasn’t using in May 2017: it had no website for years, it redirected to another site in 2015, 2016, 2017 and I let it expire in 2018.
This is a clear cut unsolicited SPAM email, they’ve probably harvested the email address with a web scrapper (a search robot which searches for email addresses on websites and adds them to a database) or bought my email address from another unsolicited SPAM emailer.
It is illegal to send unsolicited SPAM emails in the UK.
Web Consultancy are a UK based business, so have to comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR) which covers the sending of marketing emails. This legislation says organisations can only send marketing emails to individuals if they have agreed to receive them, except where there is a clearly defined customer relationship.
I’m certain this is unsolicited email SPAM because.
- I did NOT agree to receive this email from Web Consultancy Group Ltd.
- I’ve NEVER had a customer relationship with Web Consultancy.
- I’ve NEVER used that email address to signup for anything.
My email address they SPAMMED was on a dead domain (, it had no website) years BEFORE the business Web Consultancy Group Ltd even existed. I only kept the email live in case past AdSense theme customers ever contacted me for support queries several YEARS after I stopped selling themes from that domain: I provide exceptional customer support.
The domain was so dead it didn’t get that much SPAM in 2017, (used to get a lot) I let it expire in 2018.
I never used the email address to signup for anything, the email address was, it was the email address my theme customers had access to for their AdSense theme orders.
Before I automated theme sales I’d send customers the theme zip files using that email address. You can see via an archived version of my old site in 2008 I had the email address visible as plain body text:
When you order an SEO/AdSense theme from this site you will receive it as an attachment to an email from
Which means it could be easily scrapped and added to SPAM email databases.
As mentioned above, the domain had no website, it had no website for years. Why would any employee of Web consultancy email this address in May 2017 to offer:
“a free in-depth website audit that will cover many important factors on how to improve your conversion.”
Any website audit would start an end with, build a website!
Why would any legitimate business send email to a dead domain if it’s not unsolicited SPAM email?
Clearly Elizabeth Mulligan who sent the unsolicited SPAM email did NOT visit the domain prior to sending the SPAM email.
Had she visited the website prior to sending the SPAM email she would have been 301 redirected to, remember that in 2014 when she worked for DLH Web Consultancy Ltd I’d reviewed her earlier unsolicited SPAM email as a comment review which ranked high in Google for DLH Web Consultancy Review SERPs and would have immediately removed from the Web Consultancy Group Ltd email database to avoid another review.
Remember ethical businesses do NOT send unsolicited SPAM emails. If you receive SPAM email like the one above, consider reporting it to the ICO, there’s large fines for SPAMMERS.
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