In 2014 I received a SPAM email from an Elizabeth Mulligan representing a company called DLH Web Consultancy Ltd that was based in Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire UK, specifically: DLH Web Consultancy Ltd based at Boho One – F05, Bridge Street West, Middlesbrough, England TS2 1AE, owned by a Stephen Hall. Updated April 9th, 2020.

Note: Elizabeth Mulligan was the Marketing Director at DLH Web Consultancy Ltd at the time.

Elizabeth Mulligan Marketing Director at DLH Web Consultancy
Elizabeth Mulligan Marketing Director at DLH Web Consultancy

Sometimes email SPAM annoys me, so I review it to add new content to a site for SEO testing.

I added the DLH Web Consultancy review as a WordPress comment (with title “DLH Web Consultancy Ltd Review” as an SEO test) to one of the articles on one of my sites, (see for what it looked like in October 2014, a few weeks after adding the comment SEO test: the comment is at the very bottom).

I used the new comment for two things. To teach webmasters interested in SEO how to add relevant content to existing WordPress Posts via comments and to see how a WordPress SEO Theme feature would perform. My WordPress SEO theme is the only theme available which creates stand alone webpages from WordPress comments and using an email SPAMMERS email and website review for the SEO test gave me some quick content to play with.

After gaining high Google SERPs related to “DLH Web Consultancy Ltd Review” (which I had no idea would happen, Google alone decides how it ranks content) it generated a response from the owner of the business Stephen Hall.

Stephen Hall wasn’t happy, he even threatened me via Facebook with a negative SEO attack (see screenshot below) which he followed through on!

Unethical: Stephen Hall Negative SEO Threat
Unethical: Stephen Hall Negative SEO Threat

Not only did he make a negative SEO threat, he followed through on the threat by adding a Blog Post to DLH Web Consultancy Ltds website. Unfortunately I didn’t take a screenshot of the webpage at the time, but you can see the Blog Post existed at it was on the site on 11th December 2014. That’s 4 days before I shared the screenshot of the negative SEO attack threats via Facebook (see above).

Correction: I thought I took the screenshot of the above Facebook negative SEO threat by Stephen Hall in December 2014 to share with the comment I made on December 15th, 2014. I thought I added the screenshot on the same day I shared the text, I didn’t take the screenshot in December 2014, it wasn’t until May 26th 2017 AFTER another negative SEO attack in the form of a Google defamation claim. You can see the archive version of the comment on February 2017 didn’t have a screenshot, I added it much later.

On December 11th, 2014 Elizabeth Mulligan (the unsolicited email SPAMMER) made a comment on my website which I approved: I believe in a right to reply.

You can find the original comment (archived) at, it’s currently located at DLH Web Consultancy Ltd Review Response.

You should note her comment included a link to which at the time (December 11th, 2014) attacked me (I sometimes use the nickname SEO Dave) and included my name (David Law), full home address and home telephone number.

Stephen Hall had started to carry out the negative SEO attack he threatened me with via Facebook, sharing personal details like this with malicious intent is called doxxing, it’s a possible crime in the UK!

I wonder if the police would consider that harassment had I reported it?

Harassment 1: Made a threat via Facebook.
Harassment 2: Carried out the threat via a Blog Post.

There was a course of conduct intended to intimidate/harass me!

I forgot all about Web Consultancy until I noticed another SPAM email from what appeared to be the same company ( They appear to change their business name and sometimes their URL, but always the same business location (same area, this time 21 Gosford St, Middlesbrough, TS2 1BB and same people).

Correction: I mixed up the timelines above, prior to seeing the next SPAM email I’d updated the WordPress Comments on October 1st, 2016 as part of a general update of content. It was on October 1st, 2016 I noticed what appeared to be a business name change and updated two WordPress Comments to keep them accurate.

If I understand things correctly, (I’m not a lawyer) technically/legally these are different businesses: “DLH Web Consultancy Ltd” is NOT technically/legally “Web Consultancy Group Ltd” even though they were run at the same address and by the same people and offer the same web design and SEO services in Middlesbrough. At the time 100% of the ordinary shares were owned by Stephen Hall.

I believe this is how they managed to successfully generate a Lumen defamation complaint to Google (see below). I’d made the honest mistake of stating “DLH Web Consultancy Ltd” (the old business, now closed) is the same business as “Web Consultancy Group Ltd” (the new business).

Note: The above is an educated guess, (there’s no way to confirm the above via Google), there doesn’t appear to be anything else Google could consider libelous, so if it’s not the “AKA Web Consultancy Group” honest mistake which Google blocked the content for, I’ve no idea what the issue was.

Web Consultancy Group LTD Defamation Complaint

I checked how my review comment was performing in Google and found a “Defamation Complaint to Google” (, Google had removed the comment and some of the other comments related to the article from Google!!!

Lumen Defamation Claim to Google
Lumen Defamation Claim to Google

Legal Complaint

The articles contain several falsehoods. It relates to the company called DLH Web Consultancy Ltd, which is a totally separate company also this company has also legally closed. The author has, however, updated the articles to feature “AKA Web Consultancy Group”. As it is a different company and has nothing to do with the matters he refers to we believe this to be prejudicial against our business and request that they be removed from the website. We have contacted Fasthosts, where the server is and they provided us with an email for the host master, 3 email have since been sent with no reply. Further, the articles feature personal attacks against a lady, [redacted]and seek to embarrass her. The publication of certain information by [redacted] has caused [redacted] a great deal of anxiety and stress. Fact is, I work at Web Consultancy Group Limited, this is a totally separate company and has never been known as DLH Web Consultancy. This s …

This is far from honest.

Stephen Hall did NOT send me 3 emails regarding the “AKA Web Consultancy Group” error, I did receive a lot of unsolicited SPAM emails from his businesses. I still have 5 of the unsolicited SPAM emails (in my inbox, so they can be verified by an expert) which I plan to send to the police as part of an harassment investigation.

Update March 17th, 2020: I Contacted Fasthosts and asked the following question via their support system.

Fasthosts Support Review
Fasthosts Support Review

Subject: Do You Keep Records of Contact Email Address Requests?

I’ve been a content Fasthosts customer for quite sometime (not had any issues with your service), so I’m hoping you can help me out tracking down some information to make me a very happy and very loyal Fasthosts customer.

If someone contacts Fasthosts asking for a contact email address for a domain I assume you supply the email address. I’m hoping you also keep a copy of these types of requests and can confirm either way if anyone asked for a contact email address for the domain between October 1st and November 16th 2016?

If there was a request, any further details you can supply would be very helpful.

I need the above info for a legal issue (it’s important).

I appreciate you might be short staffed during the Covid-19 crisis, which is why I haven’t gone with an official Subject Access Request to gain this information. If no one requested an email address that’s all I need to know, if there was a request that’s also useful to know.

Thanks in advance.

David Law

I made the accidental defamation edits to the DLH Web Consultancy review comments on October 1st, 2016 and the Web Consultancy Ltd employee created the Google defamation report on November 16th, 2016. Therefore the contact email address request must have been between those dates if the Web Consultancy employee didn’t lie to Google to trick them into blocking my review comments.

I received a reply from Fasthosts several hours later:

Response By Email (Catherine) (17/03/2020 01.18 AM)
Hello David

Checking on the account history, we haven’t got any request asking for an email address from your account or domain. This is also the first ticket you have created so far.

Best regards,

Fasthosts Customer Support

Seems the Web Consultancy employee who made the Google defamation report lied to Google about contacting Fasthosts for my contact email address!

Update February 24th, 2020: I’ve uploaded ALL 5 unsolicited SPAM emails to Unsolicited Bulk Emails and Fake Unsubscribe Links in eml format, with compelling evidence some of the unsubscribe links were fake!

Archived Web Consultancy Fake Unsubscribe Link
Archived Web Consultancy Fake Unsubscribe Link

Though DLH Web Consultancy Ltd is a separate limited business to Web Consultancy Group Limited, they were both owned by Stephen Hall, had the same people working for them, used the same Google review page, used the same website content and sent the same unsolicited email SPAM!

Basically Stephen Hall stopped trading web design and SEO services in Middlesbrough via DLH Web Consultancy Ltd and started trading web design and SEO services in Middlesbrough via Web Consultancy Group Limited.

My only error was believing DLH Web Consultancy Ltd had been RENAMED Web Consultancy Group Limited, that’s it, everything else I wrote was true.

Due to the successful Google defamation claim I no longer had the relevant Web Consultancy review SERPs, (also lost other SERPs related to the phrase “Google Consultant”) the people behind DLH Web Consultancy Ltd (Stephen Hall) had managed to hide a bad review!

See How I Fell Foul of a Google Defamation Claim for more details.

SEO training tip: Be very careful when reviewing limited companies, really annoying having your content blocked from Google organic search!

New Web Consultancy Group Ltd Review

Let’s write a new Web Consultancy Group Ltd review, but this time as an article rather than a comment and for the new company.

As it happens earlier today (wrote this in May 2017) I received another SPAM email from the new business Web Consultancy Group LTD from Elizabeth Mulligan: so she is still working in Middlesbrough for the new business with the very similar business name and still email SPAMMING. This is one of the 5 SPAM emails I still have a copy of in 2020, so glad I didn’t delete them all.

If these people were even close to competent they’d have searched through their SPAM email databases (update 2020: that domain no longer has content, but it was owned by Web Consultancy in 2017) and removed ALL email addresses owned by me (David Law). Talk about idiots!

Middlesbrough Web Design Company Unsolicited SPAM Email
Middlesbrough Web Design Company Unsolicited SPAM Email

Email Title: New Enquiry

Hello, my name is Elizabeth.

I didn’t want to cold call your business as we all find that annoying if
we’re busy; instead I was hoping this email would make it possible to
arrange a quick chat at your convenience?

I’m hoping to discuss how, if at all, you would like to improve your website?

I’m sure you receive many emails offering similar, meaning I need to try
and stand out. I’m from North Yorkshire, I pride myself on the service we
provide, I always go the extra mile for customers and I have many testimonials
to back this up.

I’d like to offer you a free in-depth website audit that will cover many important
factors on how to improve your conversion. This audit is completely free and will
benefit any website owner, all reports will be sent directly to you via email.

If you would like to see the report on your website just let me know and they will
be run straight away (no obligation).

Kind Regards,
Elizabeth Mulligan
Web Consultancy
21 Gosford Street
North Yorkshire

01642 049 410

We always strive to email businesses that we feel could benefit from our services; unsubscribe
your details will be blocked from our server permanently, you will not receive any future correspondence.

This is an unsolicited email to an email address from a domain I no longer use (it doesn’t have a website, redirects to another site). This is a clear cut unsolicited SPAM email, they’ve probably harvested the email address.

Here’s the email with the header information, unmodified.

X-Account-Key: account4
X-UIDL: 0000f5604abbaf9d
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
X-Mozilla-Keys: $label1                                                                        
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( [])
  by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9BF5EC031E
  for <>; Tue, 23 May 2017 04:28:47 -0700 (MST)
Received: from (puck1190 [])
  by (Postfix) with ESMTPA id C97ED19C854
  for <>; Tue, 23 May 2017 11:03:01 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: New Enquiry
Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2017 09:15:09 +0000
From: "Elizabeth Mulligan" <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer-LID: 14
List-Unsubscribe: <>
X-Mailer-RecptId: 550964
X-Mailer-SID: 20
X-Mailer-Sent-By: 1
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; charset="UTF-8"; boundary="b1_c3ac0f5b69700447817345cdb00003c3"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Antivirus: Avast (VPS 170523-0, 23/05/2017), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hello, my name is Elizabeth.

I didn’t want to cold call your business as we all find that annoying if
we're busy; instead I was hoping this email would make it possible to
arrange a quick chat at your convenience?

I'm hoping to discuss how, if at all, you would like to improve your

I'm sure you receive many emails offering similar, meaning I need to try
and stand out. I'm from North Yorkshire, I pride myself on the service we
provide, I always go the extra mile for customers and I have many
to back this up.

I'd like to offer you a free in-depth website audit that will cover many
factors on how to improve your conversion. This audit is completely free
and will
benefit any website owner, all reports will be sent directly to you via

If you would like to see the report on your website just let me know and
they will
be run straight away (no obligation).

Kind Regards,
Elizabeth Mulligan
Web Consultancy
21 Gosford Street
North Yorkshire

01642 049 410

We always strive to email businesses that we feel could benefit from our
your details will be blocked from our server permanently, you will not
receive any future correspondence.

Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hello, my name is Elizabeth.<br /><br />I didn&rsquo;t want to cold call
your business as we all find that annoying if<br />we're busy; instead I
was hoping this email would make it possible to<br />arrange a quick chat
at your convenience?<br /><br />I'm hoping to discuss how, if at all, you
would like to improve your website?<br /><br />I'm sure you receive many
emails offering similar, meaning I need to try<br />and stand out. I'm from
North Yorkshire, I pride myself on the service we<br />provide, I always go
the extra mile for customers and I have many testimonials<br />to back this
up.<br /><br />I'd like to offer you a free in-depth website audit that
will cover many important<br />factors on how to improve your conversion.
This audit is completely free and will<br />benefit any website owner, all
reports will be sent directly to you via email.<br /><br />If you would
like to see the report on your website just let me know and they will<br
/>be run straight away (no obligation).<br /><br />Kind Regards, <br
/><strong>Elizabeth Mulligan</strong><br />Web Consultancy<br />21 Gosford
Street<br />Middlesbrough<br />North Yorkshire<br />TS2 1BB<br /><br
/>01642 049 410<br /><br /><br />We always
strive to email businesses that we feel could benefit from our services; <a
/>your details will be blocked from our server permanently, you will not
receive any future correspondence.<br />
height="1" width="10"></body>


B2B Data Review

Interestingly if you check the domain (the B2B Data domain is to unsubscribe users from the unsolicited SPAM emails) it appears to be owned by the same people. Note the copyright notice: Web Consultancy Group trading as

Email SPAM Tip: Never click those Unsubscribe links, many email SPAMMERS use them to confirm your email address is active. An active email address is more valuable to an unsolicited email SPAMMER, they know you check your email!

Best thing to do with SPAM email like this is mark it as Junk, or if you want to report it go to the ICO website and make a complaint.

So they not only send out unsolicited SPAM emails, they sell the ability to send unsolicited SPAM emails to others.

Middlesbrough B2B Data Review
Middlesbrough B2B Data Review

If you were (no longer available in 2020) considering using B2B Data to SPAM potential leads consider my email address is on the list and if an email catches my attention I might review it. Also note the quality of the email addresses, the email address they are sending SPAM emails to is from a domain that’s not had a website for over 5 years.

In my opinion a company that uses SPAM email are low quality and should be avoided like the plague, what do you think of Web Consultancy Group LTD tactics in gaining business leads and attempting to remove bad reviews?

Harassment Claim Over a Website Review!

Visibility Group Ltd Owned by Stephen Hall
Visibility Group Ltd Owned by Stephen Hall

Looks like Stephen Hall is in the process of closing down Web Consultancy Group Limited (which has been renamed to Web Consultancy Ltd) and plans to trade under a separate limited company called Visibility Group Ltd which now owns all the ordinary shares of Web Consultancy Ltd. Stephen Hall owns all the ordinary shares of visibility Group Ltd.

Seems he is trying once again to remove my honest review of his unethical business practices (his other two businesses have sent out unsolicited SPAM emails) so his new business isn’t associated with this negative review.

For the record I have never accused Visibility Group Ltd of doing anything wrong, it’s a separate business legally, personally I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole due to his other businesses history, buyer beware.

Stephen Hall became the sole ordinary shareholder of Visibility Group Ltd in August 2019, I’ve had no emails from Visibility Group Ltd. The only possible contact is a Facebook Direct Message from a Beth Web on the 21st August 2019 who said they are from Web consultancy. That’s 1 day before Stephen Hall became the sole ordinary shareholder of Visibility Group Ltd and the Facebook Direct Message was pleasant enough (I didn’t reply).

So I’ve had NO direct dealings with Visibility Group Ltd between August 2019 and February 2020. There was a new comment on my website from a Mr Wednesday on September 16th 2019 who referenced Visibility Group Ltd. I have no control over what people comment, (I do NOT know who Mr Wednesday is) of course I own this site so try to moderate comments to keep them honest.

For example Mr Wednesday’s comment incorrectly said “Web Consultancy have, once more, changed their identity. They are now going under Visibility Group Ltd”. Because this is wrong, I edited the comment and added a legal notice that Visibility Group Ltd is NOT Web Consultancy Group Ltd. Had I left the comment as is, it might have allowed Stephen Hall to once again claim defamation, crisis avoided other than he is trying again anyway: – sent on February 13th 2020.

I suspect Stephen Hall believes I was targeting Visibility Group Ltd SERPs after Mr Wednesday’s comment. I wasn’t in September 2019, but after a visit from two police officers in December 2019 I added the screenshot above of the Visibility Group Ltd Company House page since from my perspective Stephen Hall is harassing me in an attempt to intimidate me into removing the honest reviews of his other two businesses.

  • He has threatened me with a negative SEO attack over Facebook!
  • Carried out a negative SEO attack by posting my name, home address and telephone number on one of his business Blogs!
  • Made two Google Defamation claims with misleading information: did he really send three emails to me?
  • Made a 3rd Google Defamation claim!
  • Has accused me of harassment and possibly stalking (see 3rd defamation claim) to the police!

All I’ve done is write WordPress Comments and Posts on my OWN website detailing unethical business practices. His earlier businesses used unsolicited SPAM email, one of his business websites sold a database of 1 million email addresses for others to SPAM: what more of a smoking gun do the police need to see his business practices are unethical?

In December 2019 I had a casual chat with two Skegness police officers on the front/side garden of my property about Stephen Hall. According to the two Skegness police officers he was accusing me of harassment over Facebook. The two officers didn’t have a clue about this website review and didn’t provide enough information to be helpful.

The two police officers did NOT mention stalking and did NOT give any warning to stop doing anything (they didn’t even know I had a website) as Stephen Hall claims in his latest defamation claim at!

At the time I thought it was OTT an silly and wrote a new blog posts about it with a silly meme like image (see below).

SEO Expert Questioned by Police
SEO Expert Questioned by Police

So even in December 2019 I didn’t take this seriously, I wouldn’t use a silly meme if I thought this was serious!. I couldn’t believe the police would be so gullible and be willing to waste police and possibly court time on something so frivolous as a business owner trying to stop free speech by removing a negative website review of a business involved in unsolicited email SPAM!

I’ve since (February 14th 2020) had a voluntary interview under caution with a 3rd Skegness Police officer and in hindsight I suspect the first two police officers misunderstood what was happening: the 3rd police officer knew nothing about Facebook messages or the negative SEO threat made by Stephen hall via Facebook.

I’m finally taking Stephen Hall seriously, I will be looking into a counter claim he is harassing me!

The police officer I spoke to under caution clearly didn’t understand much about Google or SEO and didn’t appear to understand what unsolicited SPAM email is: his questions etc.. indicated he believed the emails I’ve reviewed aren’t SPAM because I might be interested in the services offered in the emails, I could unsubscribe by the provided link and he believed the employees had specifically chosen my email address to email to and not via a large database! WoW, just WoW!

Those of us who work in SEO (search engine opimisation) know we have ZERO influence over what Google indexes and how they rank in the Google organic SERPs. This webpage could become number 1 in Google for any phrase on this webpage or not be indexed at all.

Is Reviewing Several Unsolicited SPAM Emails from a Business a Form of Harassment?

IF I understood the 3rd police officer correctly the issue with my conduct is I’ve reviewed more than one email from a business owned by Stephen Hall making this a pattern, had I limited my unsolicited SPAM email review to just one email it wouldn’t be harassment, but because I’ve included more than two it’s harassment. By this sort of logic an investigative journalist who writes two or more articles about a person or business could be considered as harassing the person/business!

Think about all those journalists who have written dozens of negative newspaper articles about Donald Trump and Boris Johnson etc… are they all guilty of harassment or is it I’m a special case because I’m good at SEO?

I’m not a legal expert, but that sounds like an interesting interpretation of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

First problem with this is not one of the emails were sent by Stephen Hall himself, so how is this harassing him?

I mention Stephen Hall as the owner of the businesses and the person who threatened me with a negative SEO attack, at the time of writing the reviews that was all true. I’m using his name now, how else would I identify him, is this more harassment?

If Skegness police do decide to charge me for harassment, unless there’s a court order ordering me to be silent I plan to Blog about EVERYTHING which happens and will be contacting the press so see if they are interested in a story about silencing the truth about scumbag email SPAMMERS.

I’ve no idea if I’ve been lazy in my writing and claimed he sent the emails: I’m going to check, if I have I’ll edit appropriately as Stephen Hall hasn’t sent me one email. Consider I wasn’t expecting to be accused of harassment over a few reviews and for the police to take such a frivolous claim seriously, so I wasn’t thinking about if technically what I wrote could be construed incorrectly as harassment!

Update February 24th, 2020: I didn’t find anything which read like I said Stephen Hall sent the SPAM emails.

I’m shocked it’s got this far, right now the Skegness police officer who interviewed me under caution is trying to build an harassment case against me! I now know how those who are taken to court over silly Tweets feel, talk about hindering free speech!

Unsolicited Email SPAM Timeline

Anyway this is what I reviewed, there’s two unsolicited SPAM emails sent by Elizabeth Mulligan:

September 10th, 2014 – DLH Web Consultancy Ltd SPAM Review
The first one which I didn’t screenshot was sent in September 2014 when she worked for DLH Web Consultancy Ltd and I added the email as text as a comment (this isn’t the original comment, it’s been moved and edited multiple times). That was the first review of an email from one of Stephen Hall’s employees.

Update February 24th, 2020: I made and uploaded a screenshot.

Example Unsolicited Bulk Email SPAM
Example Unsolicited Bulk Email SPAM

I still have this SPAM email in my inbox and would like to share it with the police: Update March 2020: the police have a copy of the SPAM emails sent by Web Consultancy.

May 23rd, 2017 – Web Consultancy Group Ltd SPAM Review
The second one I did screenshot (image below), this SPAM email was sent on May 23rd, 2017 (I reviewed it the day it arrived) when she worked for Web Consultancy Group Ltd.

Middlesbrough Web Design Company Unsolicited SPAM Email
Middlesbrough Web Design Company Unsolicited SPAM Email

I still have this SPAM email in my inbox and would like to share it with the police.

May 28th, 2017 – Web Consultancy Group Ltd SPAM Review
One email by Louise Murray sent on March 27th, 2017 (I reviewed it on May 28th, 2017) presumably she worked for Web Consultancy Group Ltd at the time.

Middlesbrough Web Consultancy Group AdWords SPAM Email
Middlesbrough Web Consultancy Group AdWords SPAM Email

I still have this SPAM email in my inbox and would like to share it with the police.

May 28th, 2017 – Web Consultancy Group Ltd SPAM Review
One email by Mark Waller on May 4th, 2017 (I reviewed it on May 28th, 2017) presumably he worked for Web Consultancy Group Ltd at the time.

Web Consultancy Group SPAM Email Review
Web Consultancy Group SPAM Email Review

I have another SPAM email by Mark Waller on June 6th, 2017, but I haven’t reviewed it.

Update February 24th, 2020: I made and uploaded a screenshot, this SPAM email includes a fake unsubscribe link!

Fake Unsubscribe Links Added to SPAM Emails!
Fake Unsubscribe Links Added to SPAM Emails!

I still have both of these SPAM emails in my inbox and would like to share them with the police.

There was other unsolicited SPAM emails I deleted before I realised I was going to have a problem with Stephen Hall’s business dealings: I didn’t recognise an issue with Stephen Hall until around March 2017 after the Google defamation issue, that’s when I started saving SPAM emails from his employees, but even then I didn’t search thoroughly through my SPAM folders, so could have missed lots.

I would love to hear from others how this might be deemed harassment?

David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

Website - SEO Gold Services