WordPress SEO Noindex, Nofollow Robots Meta Tag

WordPress SEO Noindex, Nofollow Robots Meta Tag

There are appropriate uses for noindex and even nofollow (nofollow deletes link benefit and I have dozens of articles and forums posts arguing not to use rel=”nofollow”): would be wrong for WordPress to add dofollow links to wordpress.org from the login pages as users can not disable them easily.

Unfortunately WordPress SEO plugins like Yoast SEO and All In One SEO have features to add robots noindex meta tags to WordPress archives including categories!

Other than admin pages which ONLY links to other admin pages, I can’t think of a single webpage where I’d want to add a Noindex, Nofollow Robots Meta Tag, can you?

Adding a Noindex, Follow Robots Meta Tag and individually adding rel=”nofollow” to specific text links is a better solution, this stops a webpage from being indexed while allowing link benefit to still flow through the page via links from the content.

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