The Stallion Responsive SEO Theme includes built in support for the WP Robot Autoblog Plugin and the Massive Passive Profits Autoblog Plugin (the developer doesn’t appear to support this any more).

Autoblog Plugin Features

WP Robot 5 Autoblog Plugin Modules
WP Robot 5 Autoblog Plugin Modules

Both WordPress autoblog plugins scrape web content from various online sources including Amazon, YouTube and RSS feeds, the scraped content is considered duplicate content by Google and if Google determines your WordPress blog is an autoblog it will be slapped with a Google duplicate content penalty.

To date (from YEARS of SEO tests with autoblogs) I’ve not found a way to completely prevent Google penalizing autoblogs long term (give them a couple of years and they tend to be penalized in Google).

Any Internet marketer etc… who tries to tell you autoblogs are not downgraded by Google is full of shit. It’s not will an autoblog be downgraded in Google, it’s WHEN.

Make Money Autoblogging

WP Robot Review
WP Robot Review

We can’t stop Google penalizing WordPress autoblogs, but we can make it harder for Google to determine your site is using an autoblog by hiding obvious autoblog footprints.

For both autoblog plugins Stallion Responsive replaces nofollow affiliate links with cloaked javascript links protecting valuable link benefit and removing a thin affiliate footprint search engines can easily track.

Also replaces Amazon buy now images with a buy now image you choose again hiding another obvious auto blog and thin affiliate site footprint.

Read my WP Robot Review and take advantage of the generous discount code (enter the code: “Stallion” at checkout) Thomas Höfter (WP Robot developer) kindly provided.

Enjoy autoblogging with WordPress and the Stallion Responsive WordPress SEO Theme Package.

WordPress Autoblogging Penalty
WordPress Autoblogging Penalty

You can make good money using WordPress autoblog plugins, but NEVER add an autoblog to an important website! If a domain you own is already making money online, adding an autoblog long term is the domains death sentence for Google rankings.

David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

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