WebPage Performance Test for SEO Gold Coast Homepage

WebPage Performance Test for SEO Gold Coast Homepage

WebPage Test : Website Performance and Optimization Test

Run a free website speed test from around the globe using real browsers at consumer connection speeds with detailed optimization recommendations.

As you can see from the screenshot above the results for the SEO Gold Coast homepage are really good.

All A’s except for “Effective Use of a CDN“, I’ve setup CDN’s for other sites, but I’ve found some of the features I’ve added to my sites (the ability to have a different CSS files for individual WordPress Posts) doesn’t play nice with the caching plugin I use while using a CDN: more trouble than it was worth taking into account everything else performance wise is great.

Always remember when dealing with performance SEO (anything SEO) it’s about balance. You could spend months fixing an SEO issue which will have very little impact on actual Google rankings, always ask is this a good use of my time/money?

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