GTmetrix Performance Report for SEO Gold Coast Homepage

GTmetrix Performance Report for SEO Gold Coast Homepage

GTmetrix Website Speed and Performance Optimization

GTmetrix is a free tool that analyzes your page’s speed performance. Using PageSpeed and YSlow, GTmetrix generates scores for your pages and offers actionable recommendations on how to fix them.

The screenshot above shows the PageSpeed results, A’s again in the 90%+ region.

The results indicate areas of improvement, for example images could be compressed further, 20KB (6%) for the entire home pages images.

As you can see the performance improvements I could gain are small and the time to enable the image optimization improvement for example would be significant, so it’s not worth it.

There are also issues I have no control over, for example under Minify JavaScript it lists the Google Analytics external JS file which is hosted by Google: webmasters have no control over how Google minifies it’s Google Analytics script beyond removing Google Analytics from a site.

Have a look at the possible savings if fully minified, it’s only 97 bytes (1% saving), it’s nothing to worry about, this sentence uses more than 100 bytes of text.

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