Unethical: Stephen Hall Negative SEO Threat

Unethical: Stephen Hall Negative SEO Threat

I added the DLH Web Consultancy review as a WordPress comment (with title “DLH Web Consultancy Ltd Review”) to one of the articles on this site and after gaining high Google SERPs related to “DLH Web Consultancy Ltd Review” it generated a response from the owner of the business (Stephen Hall): he wasn’t happy, he even threatened me via Facebook with a negative SEO attack (see screenshot)!

Stephen Hall : 11/12/2014 14:58
Serious question…
What is you problem?

Stephen Hall 11/12/2014 15:24
Currently my writers (Obviously I’m not a writer) are writing many blogs, posts and articles about you, your business and everything we can find relating to 26 Wainfleet Road, Skegness, Lincs PE25 3QP United Kingdom – 01754763099… Give me a few weeks and everytime Google is searched for anything relating to the above they will find our posts… wonder how you like it big man.

Stephen Hall 11/12/2014 15:28
Search Engine Optimization Consultant, WordPress SEO Theme Developer and Nice Guy

Nice Guy? Really? Yet you try and damage the reputation on honest people trying to feed their children… You tell yourself your nice but the truth is actins speak louder than words… From whey I see online you bitter and angry!

Clearly I’m not proof reading what I type, Im no a mobile but dont really care if I make mistakes while sending these…

# https://www.facebook.com/StephenHall81 (Stephen Hall FaceBook page)

Looks like I’ve made a new negative SEO nemesis called Stephen Hall owner of DLH Web Consultancy LTD from Middlesbrough :-)

He’s willing to use the black hat SEO technique of negative SEO articles to silence an honest review of his business which uses email SPAM!

Would you do business with someone who is willing to use unethical black hat SEO techniques in revenge for a review the owner didn’t like?

For the record I didn’t go negative SEO against Stephen Hall, that’s not my style and was too busy to write a negative SEO tutorial using Stephen Hall as a case study. Their business practices are unethical, the truth is all I need to inform consumers to think twice before working with them.

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