Fasthosts Support Review

Fasthosts Support Review

I’ve been using Fasthosts as a registrar for domains for over 10 years (probably registered over 100 domains with them) with no major issues**, so have never had a reason to contact Fasthosts support, so had no reason to review them: I tend to review businesses which have done something wrong, so had no reason to review Fasthosts.

** Only issue I’ve had with Fasthosts was the name and address information associated with domains messed up for some domains. I think it happened when I transferred domains from another registrar to Fasthosts, no idea which registrar messed up, was easy enough to edit the names/addresses, so didn’t require support.

Still not had a support issue with Fasthosts, but I’m having a legal issue with the owner of a ltd business called Visibility Group Ltd which owns all the ordinary shares of another ltd business Web Consultancy Ltd which sent me unsolicited bulk emails (SPAM emails) in 2017 and when I reviewed those SPAM emails it set of a chain of events resulting in the owner complaining to the police!

Why I Contacted Fasthosts

An employee of Web Consultancy made a Google Defamation report where they wrote “We have contacted Fasthosts, where the server is and they provided us with an email for the host master, 3 email have since been sent with no reply.

I didn’t have a server with Fasthosts, but they did register the domain.

I didn’t receive those 3 emails and have always suspected the Web Consultancy Ltd employee lied to Google about contacting Fasthosts and emailing me. Since I’m building an harassment defence case (just in case Skegness police charge me with harassment and pass my case to the Crown Prosecution Service) and I’m making a counter harassment complaint to the police (already compiled and sent) I needed to know if the Web Consultancy Ltd employee did or did not contact Fasthosts.

I’d already made a Subject Access Request to Visibility Group Ltd to gain access to the the personal data they hold about me (if Web Consultancy contacted Fasthosts and sent me 3 emails, they should have a record attached to my personal data), but they fobbed me off: I’ve made a complaint to the ICO to see if they can force them to provide my personal data.

I suspected it would be a bit of a long shot contacting Fasthosts support to see if they keep records of who asks for the contact email addresses of domains they register (I was expecting a reply they don’t keep that information), but I was pleasantly surprised to find they do and that Fasthosts customer response time is quite fast. So thank you very much Fasthosts, you deserve a 5 star review.

You can see my Fasthosts support request below:

Subject: Do You Keep Records of Contact Email Address Requests?

I’ve been a content Fasthosts customer for quite sometime (not had any issues with your service), so I’m hoping you can help me out tracking down some information to make me a very happy and very loyal Fasthosts customer.

If someone contacts Fasthosts asking for a contact email address for a domain I assume you supply the email address. I’m hoping you also keep a copy of these types of requests and can confirm either way if anyone asked for a contact email address for the domain between October 1st and November 16th 2016?

If there was a request, any further details you can supply would be very helpful.

I need the above info for a legal issue (it’s important).

I appreciate you might be short staffed during the Covid-19 crisis, which is why I haven’t gone with an official Subject Access Request to gain this information. If no one requested an email address that’s all I need to know, if there was a request that’s also useful to know.

Thanks in advance.

David Law

I received a reply from Fasthosts several hours later:

Response By Email (Catherine) (17/03/2020 01.18 AM)
Hello David

Checking on the account history, we haven’t got any request asking for an email address from your account or domain. This is also the first ticket you have created so far.

Best regards,

Fasthosts Customer Support

I sent my Fasthosts support request at 9:08pm and Catherine from Fasthosts replied with the requested information just 4 hours and 10 minutes later. That’s a fast turnaround on a non-urgent support request.

Although the support request was important, the reply wasn’t urgent (a few days would have been fine). I’ve dealt with other registrars like 123 Reg where it took so long for critical answers I had to get a refund for a dedicated server!

Thank you Fasthosts for 10+ years of nothing going wrong.

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