Below are quick pearls of Marketing Wisdom and Marketing Tips.

You will find the Marketing tips below on various Marketing articles within this site.

Marketing Wisdom: Would you Hire Donald Trump to Manage a Twitter Account?

Would you Hire Donald Trump to Manage a Twitter Account?
Would you Hire Donald Trump to Manage a Twitter Account?

Having high follower numbers on social media doesn’t necessarily mean they know what they are doing. Would you hire Donald Trump to manage an important business Twitter account?

Brand Marketing Tip: Your Potential Customers are Flooded with Brands

Your Potential Customers are Flooded with so Many Brands, with Competing Slogans & Messages
Your Potential Customers are Flooded with so Many Brands, with Competing Slogans & Messages

Your potential customers are flooded with so many brands, with competing slogans & messages on the TV, radio, traditional print media & of course the Internet, it’s a crowded environment.

The Right Marketing Tools Quote
The Right Marketing Tools Quote

Whatever the marketing media it’s important to use the right marketing tools.

Never take a banana to a gun fight, unless it’s a snack for later. After all, low blood sugar levels have a negative impact on performance.

Brand Marketing Tip: Consumers are Blind to Branding White Noise

Consumers are Blind to Branding White Noise
Consumers are Blind to Branding White Noise

Many consumers are blind to branding white noise, to stand out from the crowd a brand must find it’s distinctive voice. The message must be consistent across all content, advertising & marketing material.

Marketing Wisdom: Hiring Highly Skilled & Experienced Marketing Staff

Hiring Highly Skilled & Experienced Marketing Staff
Hiring Highly Skilled & Experienced Marketing Staff

Highly skilled & experienced marketing staff cost a lot more than hiring graduates right out of University or a random SEO agency with a flashy website & worthless digital marketing course certificates you found online.

Brand Marketing Tip: Identify Your Brand Voice, Identify Your Customers

Identify Your Brand Voice, Identify Your Customers
Identify Your Brand Voice, Identify Your Customers

Before identifying your brand voice you must identify your customers. Interviewing customers taking into account different products/services you offer can provide valuable insight to develop your brand in the right direction.

Brand Marketing Tip: Do NOT Overwhelming your Brands Core Message with White Noise

Do NOT Overwhelming your Brands Core Message with White Noise
Do NOT Overwhelming your Brands Core Message with White Noise

Look for common answers you can turn into or add to your unique brand voice, but do not make the mistake of overwhelming your brands core message with too much white noise.

Marketing Tip: Find your Distinctive Brand Voice

Experimenting With A New Marketing Media
Experimenting With A New Marketing Media

Stone-Age Cave Paintings: Clearly the earliest example of early man experimenting with a new marketing media.

Brand Marketing Tip: Find your Distinctive Brand Voice

Find your Distinctive Brand Voice
Find your Distinctive Brand Voice

Find your distinctive brand voice: brainstorm with your staff what keywords & phrases best describe your brand message?

Brand Marketing Tip: Know Your Brand Voice

Know Your Brand Voice
Know Your Brand Voice

Do not assume because you know your brands voice, ALL members of staff are singing from the same hymn sheet!

Brand Marketing Tip: Brand Building vs Search Engine Optimized Business Names

Brand Building vs Search Engine Optimized Business Names
Brand Building vs Search Engine Optimized Business Names

Zeus Thrones sounds great for a company selling high quality toilets, but it’s not going to help potential online customers find your products in Google. Unless you have a large budget for brand building, potential customers won’t know your site even exists!

David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

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