Skegness Plumbers Local SEO Google Rankings

Skegness Plumbers Local SEO Google Rankings

A Google search for “Skegness Plumbers SEO” breaks down as follows.

At the top we have the usual paid Google ads and the Google business listings box, below these are the organic search results.

An article targeting Skegness Electricians Local SEO Case Study is ranking number one in Google for the “Skegness Plumbers SEO” SERP.

When I wrote the Skegness electricians article I wasn’t expecting the above, at the time I’d not even written a Skegness Plumbers article as a test. The article is NOT optimised to rank for the Skegness Plumbers SEO SERP indicating these local Plumbers SEO SERPs are easy.

3rd is the website, Plumber SEO Net are a big player in the US market, they won’t be targeting local UK town SERPs like Skegness Plumber.

Suggests there’s a lack of strong competition in the UK local SEO market. This is a blue ocean market, the sharks haven’t arrived YET.

This looks like the sort of business niche a talented SEO expert can dominate in. Time to create a local Skegness based SEO website design service.

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