Local Business Websites Should be HTTPS

Local Business Websites Should be HTTPS

I’m reviewing the SEO of a local Skegness Electricians website, the URL is http://www.hallgatelincs.com/, here we have our first significant SEO mistake.

When I go to the Hallgate Lincs website from a Google search for Skegness Electricians it takes me to the INSECURE HTTP version of the domain.

A secure httpS URL (note the S) is not only a Google ranking factor, but also adds trust for customers. Even if your business website doesn’t need to be secure, it should still be secure.

The lack of a secure HTTPS website is an SEO and branding mistake.

If your business domain lacks an SSL certificate, to customers it ‘feels’ less trustworthy and Google ranks it a little lower vs if it were secure.

See my Moving a WordPress Site from HTTP to HTTPS SEO Guide, it’s WordPress focused, but still covers the sort of changes any website needs to make to move from http to https.

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