SEO Company Gold

SEO Company Gold Coast

Above is a Google LightHouse audit screenshot from April 2020 for “SEO Gold Coast – Search Engine Optimisation by SEO Expert Gold Coast” HomePage. The LightHouse SEO test was from a UK IP address and you can’t get much further away from the Australian Gold Coast than the Skegness Coast in the UK, so please run a live LightHouse test from your location below:

Post a comment below if you see much better/worse results for the Gold Coast SEO website indicating where in the world you tested from.

You can see the LightHouse Performance results (PageSpeed) are very slow, only 30/100.

The other results suggest this Gold Coast SEO company doesn’t use Google LightHouse as one of their SEO test tools.

Under Performance: Eliminate render-blocking resources there’s 19 render blocking JS and CSS files listed.

What this tells us is the Gold Coast SEO Expert who built this website hasn’t used a WordPress caching plugin like W3 Total Cache which can minify, combine and defer the loading of CSS/JS files. A caching plugin like W3 Total Cache when setup correctly can take most of the CSS and JS files and minify and combine them into a much smaller number of files.

If the SEO expert was a technical SEO expert they could probably change it so there’s only 2 or 3 render-blocking resources. The way this works is the caching plugin minifies and combines the various JS and CSS files and for the files which aren’t need immediately are loaded in the footer of the webpage and are loaded asynchronously.

The ‘problem’ here is the website is using the WP Fastest Cache Plugin which only the premium (paid) version of the plugin has the defer loading render-blocking CSS/JS files option. Either they are using the free version of WP Fastest Cache or are using the paid version, but don’t know how to use it correctly for improved performance SEO.

If an SEO business doesn’t have the technical SEO expertise to understand render-blocking resources and how to manage those resources on their own SEO website, how will they advise their Gold Coast SEO clients?

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