Until May 2020 my SEO business name was SEO Gold Services or SEO Gold for short. I chose the name SEO Gold almost 20 years ago because it had potential for branding AND includes the very important keyword SEO which as you’ll find at SEO domain name value makes the search engine optimisation process easier.

The problem with the business name SEO Gold is there’s only a trickle of Google organic search engine traffic for the SEO Gold SERP. However, there’s a derivative set of SERPs including SEO Gold Coast and Gold Coast SEO which have a decent amount of Google organic traffic, so was time for a re-brand for SEO gain.

SEO Gold Re-Branded SEO Gold Coast

In May 2020 I decided to re-brand my business from SEO Gold to SEO Gold Coast for the additional Google traffic. I do live on the Skegness coast, so it does make sense.

It’s a minor change, but has the potential to generate thousands of extra visitors a month at no real cost.

The only issue with this re-branding is I’m located in the UK on the Lincolnshire coast and the SEO Gold Coast SERPs are mostly related to the Gold Coast of Australia: can I also re-brand Skegness as the Gold Coast of the UK :-)

The Gold Coast of Australia has an estimated 2020 population of 700,000, that’s a LOT of potential local Gold Coast SEO business clients I wasn’t targeting. Let’s see if I can rank number 1 in Google for search phrases like SEO Gold Coast and Gold Coast SEO for Christmas 2020.

There’s also the Florida Gold Coast, a region along the Atlantic coast of southern Florida in the US between Palm Beach and Miami. The Florida Gold Coast region has a population of over 6,000,000, but based on Google search stats it seems fewer US businesses search Google for Gold Coast SEO vs Australian businesses, so will be mostly Australian businesses searching Google for Gold Coast SEO SERPs.

What’s interesting about these types of local SEO SERPs is businesses from those local areas are looking for SEO experts, SEO agencies and digital marketing agencies from their local area to work with. As an SEO expert with roughly 20 years of business experience this is a really, really bad idea, they could be hiring a local dud due to how Google local works!

Local SEO Services Gold Coast

Local SEO Gold Coast
Local SEO Gold Coast

The problem with local SEO services SERPs like Gold Coast SEO is two-fold. This is true for pretty much all Google local search results.

First, smallish local SEO agencies can rank for their local town/city SERPS with a lot less effort vs the more general SERPs, this means SEO consultants who are totally rubbish can be in the top 10 for a search like Gold Coast SEO.

Second, the Google local business map results (that’s the Google map with three local businesses below it) are based mostly on location rather than any competence in what the business does. For example search “Skegness Marketing” and my SEO Gold Coast site is one of the top 3 businesses listed because I live in Skegness and have a home office: my SEO Gold Coast business office is in the basement of our 4 story ex-guesthouse which is a short walk from the Skegness coast.

Skegness is SO Bracing
The Skegness Coast is SO Bracing

For some towns and cities ranking high in Google for local SEO SERPs is really easy. Search Google for “Skegness SEO” and this SEO Gold Coast site is ranked number 1 and 2 in the Google organic search results and number 1 in the local business map, I only started targeting the Skegness SEO search phrases a couple of months ago: normally I don’t bother targeting local SEO SERPs, but I’m researching a new local SEO services product for plumbers.

What you should take away from this is don’t assume because an SEO business (any business) ranks high in Google for a local search it’s a good business to work with, you still have to do your due diligence.

How to Check a Local SEO Services Company on the Gold Coast is Competent?

WordPress Keywords Meta Tags
WordPress Keywords Meta Tags

As an SEO expert I can easily check the quality of the SEO work on an SEO agencies website, I can view HTML source and look for signs they don’t know what they are doing like are they still using the meta keywords tag: Google has NEVER used the keywords meta tag as part of it’s ranking algorithms, so if an SEO expert uses the meta keywords tag on their website they don’t have a clue what they are doing SEO wise.

Local Gold Coast businesses don’t have my SEO skills to check HTML source code etc… but there are free SEO analysis tools anyone can use to check how search engine optimized a webpage is. Testing the SEO quality of a website can be difficult, fortunately Google has provided us a free testing tool called Lighthouse which runs dozens of tests (not only SEO tests) on a webpage, so lets test a few Gold Coast SEO Experts websites with Lighthouse.

For comparison look at the Google Lighthouse Audit test Results for this SEO Gold Coast website.

PageSpeed Score 100
PageSpeed Score 100

When a website is super fast and FULLY search engine optimised like the SEO Gold Coast site it can score 100/100 in all Google Lighthouse tests. When a webpage gains a 100/100 score for ALL Lighthouse audits you will see a dark themed version of Lighthouse with fireworks.

I’ve tested thousands of websites, the SEO Gold Coast site and my other websites are the only ones I’ve ever seen this dark Lighthouse theme with fireworks. If you find another site with equally good Lighthouse rankings, drop a comment below.

SEO Gold Coast Lighthouse Tests

Let’s start with the top 3 Australian websites which rank in Google for SEO Gold Coast.

To make the Lighthouse tests fair I’m only testing the homepage, also take into account I’m in the UK and the websites tested below are probably all hosted in Australia: my Lighthouse tests from the UK could be far worse vs lighthouse tests from Australia.

I’ve included live test links, so please test from your location and if you find different results feel free to comment below.

Australia’s Favourite SEO Agency | Joel House Search Media

SEO Agency Gold Coast
SEO Agency Gold Coast

You can see the Lighthouse Performance results (PageSpeed) are awful, only 18/100.

SEO Gold Coast Is A Local Search Engine Optimisation Expert

SEO Expert Gold Coast
SEO Expert Gold Coast

You can see the Lighthouse Performance results (PageSpeed) are slow, only 58/100.

SEO Gold Coast – Search Engine Optimisation by SEO Expert Gold Coast

SEO Company Gold Coast
SEO Company Gold Coast

You can see the Lighthouse Performance results (PageSpeed) are very slow, only 30/100.

Top Australian Local SEO Searches

Below are the top Australian Google local SEO search phrases which refer to an Australian town, city or Australia.

KeywordMonthly Australia Search Volume
SEO Sydney – 4,400
Gold Coast SEO – 3,600
SEO Brisbane – 3,600
SEO Perth – 3,600
SEO Melbourne – 2,900
SEO Adelaide – 1,900
SEO Agency Sydney – 1,600
SEO Company Australia – 1,600
SEO Gold Coast – 1,600
SEO Australia – 1,300
SEO Company Melbourne – 1,300
SEO Company Sydney – 1,000
SEO Services Australia – 1,000
SEO Agency Melbourne – 880
SEO Newcastle – 880
SEO Services Sydney – 880
Best SEO Company Australia – 720
Best SEO Company Sydney – 720
SEO Company Perth – 720
SEO Services Melbourne – 720
Melbourne SEO – 590
SEO Agency Australia – 590
SEO Company Brisbane – 590
SEO Consultant Melbourne – 590
SEO Consultant Sydney – 590
SEO Services Perth – 590
SEO Sunshine Coast – 590
Best SEO Agency Sydney – 480
SEO Services Brisbane – 480
SEO Agency Brisbane – 390
SEO Company Adelaide – 390
SEO Company Gold Coast – 390
SEO Experts Sydney – 390
SEO Services Adelaide – 390
Best SEO Sydney – 320

Looks like Gold Coast SEO is the second most searched Australian location for local businesses looking for SEO help.

Wish me luck on targeting the SEO Gold Coast Google SERPs, the re-branding was easy, the SEO will require backlinks including the phrase SEO Gold Coast.

David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

Website - SEO Gold Services