You’ve created a great article and now plan to add relevant keywords to generate as many SERPs as possible to increase keyword density/keyword spread.

It’s really easy to over do it, to over search engine optimise content to a point it’s difficult to read.

What is Keyword Stuffed Content?

What is Keyword Stuffed Content?

What is Keyword Stuffed Content?

Below is two versions of the same content, 1st version (the original) has light touch SEO copywriting. The 2nd version is over optimized, it’s keyword padded/stuffed to add more keywords for Google SEO ranking reasons NOT for the visitor.

Lightly Search Engine Optimized Content, NOT Keyword Stuffed Example

  • After spending hours crafting the perfect SEO content it’s important to take a break, it’s so easy to ‘over’ optimise content to a point where it’s difficult to read and appears keyword stuffed.

    Does the content still hit the mark with a fresh pair of eyes?

Heavily Keyword Stuffed Version of the Content Above

  • After spending hours crafting the perfect Search Engine Optimized (SEO) copyright content it’s important to take a break from the SEO proofreading task, it’s so easy to ‘over’ search engine optimise content to a point where it’s difficult to read and appears keyword stuffed just to satisfy Google’s algorithm ranking factors.

    Does the SEO content still hit the SEO mark with a fresh pair of eyes?

The perfect optimised content shouldn’t ‘appear’ optimised like the keyword stuffed version above, it should be far more natural like the 1st version above with a light SEO touch.

If you didn’t notice the light touch SEO copywriting within version one consider we could change:

the perfect SEO content to the perfect content


it’s difficult to read and appears keyword stuffed. to it’s difficult to read..

The altered text wouldn’t change the meaning, but would remove the important keywords SEO and keyword stuffed.

Adding the keyword “SEO” and the phrase “keyword stuffed” is light touch SEO copywriting, it shouldn’t be obvious the text is optimised. If you read version one and didn’t notice the SEO, I did my job well.

Don’t bother counting keyword density, there’s no specific perfect % for a specific keyword or phrase, create great content, liberally include relevant keywords/phrases without ruining the great content. I NEVER check keyword density.

David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

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