My eldest son has a degree in computer software engineering and works for a UK insurance software company, they build the insurance quote systems that’s the backend of companies like Gocompare and insurance brokers. So my son is a computer programmer, understands PHP much better than I do, I wouldn’t know where to start trying to build something to provide insurance quotes!

When he got the job last year (his first graduate job out of University) I took a look at their website (their SEO is non-existent) and found a silly HTML error, the web developer had missed a speech mark (very easy mistake to make and very easy to fix).

I let my son know what the HTML error was etc… and he passed the information on over 6 months ago (he doesn’t have access to the website code). As you can see from the image above the error is still there (been way over 6 months since I found it).

This is a business of computer programmers, they can wipe the floor with me on programming skills, but they aren’t looking for this sort of HTML/SEO issue, they build software for insurance companies NOT websites to rank high in Google.

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