I run a lot of websites through Google’s free Lighthouse audits tool and other than my own websites (my domains score high on all audits, 99 for Performance isn’t unusual) websites tend to do quite badly.
NYC Bagel Deli is no exception, except in terms of Performance (a measure of the sites speed) these are the worst Lighthouse results I’ve seen!
I ran several sample webpages from the NYC Bagel Deli website through Lighthouse including the home page, a product category and a product. The product page was by far the worst in performance terms, I’ve never seen a score of 3!
The Home Page and Product Category page wasn’t much better with a Performance Score of 8 each, the NYC Bagel Deli website has a serious pagespeed problem.
As you can see in the Lighthouse screenshot the Product page took almost 35 seconds to be interactive: see Time to Interactive to understand this metric.
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