I’ve been subscribed to a handful of marketing type newsletters for ages now, but rarely read them (1073 unread messages in that email folder).

I’m looking for new ways to make money online and compared to people like Joel Comm I’m a newbie at Internet marketing :-)

Looking at the latest newsletter/emails from some well known marketing experts I see one from Joel Comm:

Do You Have Multiple Revenue Streams?

Do You Have Multiple Revenue Streams?
Do You Have Multiple Revenue Streams?

I was thinking about this yesterday when I reread through my Million Dollar Business Ideas When Disabled looking for mistakes: always a good idea to take a second look at an article with fresh eyes a day or two later.

It was clear, I don’t do too bad with the multiple income streams I have right now, but I could be doing much better and so Joel’s email is the sort of stuff I’m thinking about to make that first million.

As usual there’s not much detail in Joel’s Tips, it’s pretty much a “make you think about what you should/could be doing” sales letter to sell another wonder product near the bottom of the email. This email is aimed at some info product about membership sites which I’m not even going to look at.

What I found useful in that email is this list of ways Joel Comm makes money

Joel Comm Multiple Streams of Income

AdSense is just ONE of many revenue streams which include advertising, product sales, seminars, webinars, affiliate programs and more.

And one of my favorite revenue streams is membership sites.

If SEO was Easy I wouldn't Charge so Much Money for SEO Advice
If SEO was Easy I wouldn’t Charge so Much Money for SEO Advice

Comparatively speaking my Multiple Streams of Income list in 2008 is much shorter:

AdSense – yes, I’ve embraced the Google AdSense Program.
Advertising – no, with my SEO skills I no longer pay for advertising, but all because I can get traffic from search engines, I shouldn’t exclude a perfectly good marketing technique like advertising.
Product Sales – yes, I sell AdSense templates, but would like to do more.
Seminars – no, due to my back problems there’s no way to achieve this. I’m also not a great public speaker, though I could learn if it was an option.
Webinars – not even sure what that is, I guess it’s a seminar online. Something to research it seems.
Affiliate Programs – yes, I’ve done quite well with some affiliate programs, Amazon has been a big one for me, but has dropped off. Doing OK with clickbank and a few other programs. I could get into more affiliate programs, though I’ve found Google search dislikes affiliate based content and so it doesn’t work too well with my usual SEO based techniques. So would need to think out my normal box to be sure of success.
Others – yes, my SEO services business is my main income source.
Membership Sites – no, I’ve thought about this, but not come up with anything to have a membership site for (yet).

That’s 4 yes vs 4 no, so from a glass half full perspective I’m on the right track and since I’m already doing well money/revenue/income wise when I add more revenue streams I’ll make much more money.

Another way of looking at it, less you’ve done so far, more you can improve in the future, rather this than saying yes to all the above and still not being successful.

David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

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