Marcus Lemonis is married to another human being.
I was checking the SEO of this Marcus Lemonis article and was looking at keyword research since it wasn’t generating much traffic from Google and noticed there’s an awful lot of keyphrases related to Marcus Lemonis marital status. SERPs including:
Marcus Lemonis wife – 12,100 searches a month, that’s the 3rd most searched term.
is Marcus Lemonis married – 1,300 searches a month, that’s the 5th most searched term.
Marcus Lemonis wife age – 1,000 searches a month, that’s the 6th most searched term.
The 18th most searched term is Marcus Lemonis gay with 390 searches a month.
At this point my wife (yep, I’m married so stay away gold diggers after my fortune :-)) was reading over my shoulder and said “why would anybody, bloody search for that?” I thought she had read the line “Marcus Lemonis gay”, but no, she had just read the “Marcus Lemonis wife age” line and was annoyed which sent her into a 2 minute rant about gossip and superficial stuff.
What is it with ‘our’ obsession with if celebrities are married and the age of women?
The answer to the question Marcus Lemonis wife age is at least 18 years old and probably not 120 years old: I really don’t care and neither should you.
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