Good Lighthouse Results

Good Lighthouse Results

I really like Google’s free Lighthouse tools, it’s built into the Google Chrome browser and gives webmasters easy access to a lot of useful information they can work on to improve SEO performance.

, when I create a site I manage everything myself so it’s done right first time.

Above is the Lighthouse results for the S4S Coding website home page, these are very good results, especially considering the domain is on a cheap Godaddy VPS server (I paid $600 for three years) and runs all my domains (about 100).

Not many sites achieve Lighthouse results as good as these, it takes quite a bit of effort to do well and requires a lot of technical knowledge (SEO, HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, server management etc…) to fully implement.

When analysing a Lighthouse audit take your time, go after the low hanging fruit first and results can improve quickly.

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