How Probloggers Make Money Blogging

How Probloggers Make Money Blogging

WordPress is so easy to use it’s become the platform of choice for making money online by blogging, many of the top Internet marketers: probloggers, some make millions of dollars a year online use WordPress for their main websites.

That list of bloggers making money online via WordPress blogs include me, the website you are reading now is a WordPress blog, it’s one of dozens of WordPress blogs I own and many include AdSense ads, that’s one of the many ways I’ve used WordPress to monetize my network of WordPress blogs.

I’m in an enviable financial position: we bought our first home in early 2006 which cost £136,000, it was paid off in full in under 5 years, so as I update this article in 2020 we’ve been mortgage free for close to 9 years. We have no debts and significant savings.

I owe a significant chunk of my success to WordPress and monetizing websites, AdSense earnings alone paid off the mortgage.

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