Twitter Follower Growth is a Marathon Not a Sprint

Twitter Follower Growth is a Marathon Not a Sprint

I make a note of the date, the time and how many Twitter users I’m currently following: this is important to stop accidentally following too many accounts over a 24hr period (it’s VERY easy to lose track).

  • I follow MOST Twitter users who follow an account back.
  • I avoid following users without a profile image or biography.
  • I avoid following adult/porn accounts.
  • I avoid following accounts in languages I don’t understand.
  • I avoid following accounts which SPAM.

Including following back I follow in total around 200 Twitter accounts over a 24hr period: I used to follow around 300, but Twitter have ‘tightened’ it’s algorithms in 2019 resulting in more frequent account locks. If it’s a new account I start slowly following under 50 accounts on day one and slowly work up to 200: Twitter follower growth is a marathon not a sprint.

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