Twitter SEO Hashtag

Twitter SEO Hashtag

A quick way to find Twitter accounts to follow is search for a keyword or hashtag relevant to your Twitter account, check the People tab to show a list of accounts, tend to be around 50 listed: see screenshot above of the SEO hashtag search.

These accounts will tend to be followed a lot because Twitter users do these searches and follow the accounts, don’t follow these accounts**, follow the Twitter users who have recently followed them they are actively growing their Twitter accounts and are more likely to followback.

** Feel free to check those 6 Twitter users out, you will find they all have thousands of followers (some 10s of thousands), but barely followback anyone. If you follow them they almost certainly won’t followback.

Checking popular hashtags like #SEO for Twitter users to follow is a terrible way to find accounts to follow for a followback IF you plan to follow those accounts.

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