Yoast Home Page Google Lighthouse Audits Tool Results

Yoast Home Page Google Lighthouse Audits Tool Results

I’m using the Google Chrome built in version of the Lighthouse audits tool, if you want to do this SEO test yourself go to the Yoast home page with the Google Chrome browser and click the “menu” top right, followed by “More Tools” > “Developers Tools” > “Audits” and run the audits to see results like the ones below.

You can see in the screenshot above the Yoast home page has a fair number of Lighthouse audit issues, the overall ratings are:

Progressive Web App = 55
Performance = 76
Accessibly = 94
Best Practices = 69

Looks like the Yoast webmasters/SEO consultants haven’t done anything regarding Progressive Web App support, really easy to score 100 on this one as well.

Performance (which is a measure of speed) isn’t great either.

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