Yoast Article Lighthouse Audits Tool Results

Yoast Article Lighthouse Audits Tool Results

The Yoast home page Lighthouse results are bad, try some of the deeper content pages like this Yoast article: https://yoast.com/rel-canonical/

There’s nothing special about this WordPress Post, it’s an article with title “rel=canonical: the ultimate guide” from the “Technical SEO” category. The article consists of a fair amount of text (body content), couple of images and 38 user comments.

As you can see from the Lighthouse screenshot above, the results are much worse that the home page results.

Progressive Web App = 36
Performance = 57
Accessibly = 91
Best Practices = 69

Lighthouse performance is particularly bad at 57!

First meaningful paint 2,900ms
First interactive (beta) 11,540ms
Consistently interactive (beta) 11,540ms
Offscreen images 8,410ms

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