Although I’ve had Twitter accounts since 2008 it’s only recently I’ve gone to the effort of trying to build popular Twitter accounts. My main lack of interest in Twitter was I’m VERY good at SEO (free Google traffic), so didn’t really need traffic from social media networks.

My First Twitter Account From 2008

My First Twitter Account From 2008

The world has changed and though I’m still getting masses of free Google traffic I’m about to start taking on SEO clients again (had a break from consulting) and I see the writing on the wall: there’s an awful lot of free traffic coming directly from social media networks like Facebook and Twitter and I’d be short-sighted to NOT tap into it for my own sites and new SEO clients: I plan to Tweet clients links etc… from my accounts as part of the SEO service.

Was Time to Build Twitter Accounts

Since August 2017 I’ve been putting a lot more effort into social media, especially Twitter and have built a couple of dozen Twitter accounts in various niches. One niche I particularly enjoy is politics and I have several politically relevant Twitter accounts including a new one targeting the Brexit niche.

Twitter Followers

Twitter Followers

I started the Brexit Twitter account August 17th 2017 (less than 5 months old) and currently (January 7th 2018) the account has 9,656 followers and I’m following over 10,000 accounts: I follow back most Twitter accounts.

The account is doing quite well, follower growth is steady: from zero to over 9,600 in under 5 months of which 4,500 of the followers were added in December (that’s just under 150 new followers a day, which is quite fast Twitter follower growth).

Twitter Follower Growth

Twitter Follower Growth

As follower numbers grow so has impressions etc… for example over the past 28 days the Brexit account has generated over half a million impressions.

Half a Million Free Twitter Impressions

Half a Million Free Twitter Impressions

Over the past 3 months it’s over a million free Twitter impressions.

One Million Free Twitter Impressions

One Million Free Twitter Impressions

Not bad for a relatively new Twitter account. An older Politics account which I ignored for years (started working on it seriously in August 2017) is doing even better with closing on 1.5 million impressions in the same 3 month period (almost half of them over the past 28 days).

Popular Twitter Account Growth

Popular Twitter Account Growth

These aren’t flukes, many of the new Twitter accounts are generating tens of thousands of impressions, one I registered in December 2017 (live for 21 days) has already generated 64,000 impressions. Gaining impressions from Twitter is pretty easy.

Fast Twitter Traffic Growth

Fast Twitter Traffic Growth

These Twitter accounts will probably generate millions of impressions every month by the end of this year, that’s all free traffic I can potentially convert to sales etc…

How Did I build These Twitter Accounts?

It’s not that difficult to build a popular Twitter account and these accounts are far from super popular, these are accounts with anywhere from a few thousand followers to not much more than 10,000.

The way to grow fast is work on your Twitter accounts daily and follow as many Twitter accounts as you possibly can without breaking the Twitter limits.

Tweet regularly and use hashtags: try to add at least one hashtag per Tweet and I don’t see much gain going above three.

Engage with other Twitter users, the Tweets with highest engagement are the Tweets I also comment on: try to keep a thread going so those engaging with you also follow you.

When you hit on a popular topic consider Tweeting on similar topics to encourage higher engagement of your Tweets: on the politics Twitter accounts I’m finding polls very popular, one poll had almost 100,000 impressions over a 5 day period by pinning the Tweet/poll. I made a new poll today and it’s had over 180 retweets and 1,000 votes.

Twitter Polls are Popular

Twitter Polls are Popular

The two main things are building a following and Tweeting regularly.

David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

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