Looking to hire a freelance SEO consultant to help with your online marketing efforts?

Hire a Freelance SEO Expert

I don’t want to waste your valuable time and hate to waste mine on SEO quotes to those not suitable for the service, so first things first I’m going to scare many of the people reading this away.

I work on a monthly retainer fee of no less than $1,000 per SEO client.

I work with five or six clients at a time and I’m VERY selective with who I work with: I love to work on interesting projects.

There’s no minimum SEO contract period, however it is recommended to budget for at least 6 months to gain the most out of the service.

If you have a decent marketing budget and want to take your web presence to the next level, please read on…

Who Are You Hiring?

I’m a freelance SEO expert with over 20 years experience working at the high-end of SEO consulting, for more details see my CV/Resume and feel free to check out my social media presence:

SEO/Marketing relevant Twitter Accounts…

Email Advice Based SEO Service

In brief, SEO clients email questions about almost anything related to their websites SEO, online marketing campaigns, social media accounts or basically anything which could have an impact on rankings.

Using my extensive SEO knowledge and research skills acquired over the past 20+ years of working in online marketing I answer those queries in a reasonable time frame.

I’m an SEO expert with a LOT of additional related skills including:

  • Setup and manage dedicated servers
  • Install pretty much anything required to run a website
  • 15+ years WordPress experience: WordPress is my preferred Content Management System (CMS)
  • Create/modify HTML/CSS/JS/PHP code
  • Created multiple WordPress SEO plugins and WordPress SEO Themes
  • Create/modify SEO optimised content
  • Generate backlinks including viral link campaigns
  • Create/manage major social media accounts

I’ve a science background (studied genetics at University) and have setup hundreds of SEO tests to confirm what does and does not work. I do NOT rely on what others have posted in webmaster forums: I’m afraid you can not trust most of the SEO information posted online, there’s too much SEO misinformation, myths and guess work presented as facts to wade through!

Example SEO Tests

Anchor Text SEO Test of Internal Links
Anchor Text SEO Test of Internal Links
Alt Text SEO Test of Linked Images
Alt Text SEO Test of Linked Images

If you have an SEO/SEM related query I either already know the answer or can find and present a solution in an understandable format.

On-Going SEO Audits

SEO Audits Problem Analysis Solution
SEO Audits Problem Analysis Solution

I SEO audit clients sites overtime providing insight into SEO issues with possible fixes: this isn’t a single report with general wishy washy tasks to perform like create a sitemap, but multiple custom emails describing exactly what’s wrong with a clients site and how to fix it.

This is an extremely valuable part of the SEO service, I’ve NEVER viewed a website which could not be improved SEO wise and sometimes what appears to be a small almost irrelevant change can generate significant results.

Take a look at these example articles for the type of SEO and marketing advice I supply.

Also take a read of Why SEO Training is Essential for Marketing Professionals which is a cautionary tale regarding hiring the wrong people to manage online marketing.

Detailed SEO information can be overwhelming if presented in bulk, I try to match both the technical detail and amount of information to each SEO client. I’m happy to deal with an enthusiastic new graduate with very little SEO knowledge, but a willingness to learn through to highly experienced/skilled members of staff who require advanced SEO guidance.

Given time your staff can become fully competent at search engine optimization.

Social Media Promotion

I also share clients content over social media networks as part of the service (no extra cost) and this can generate direct traffic and organic backlinks.

I currently manage a couple of dozen Twitter accounts (in different niches) with tens of thousands of followers generating millions of impressions each month. SEO clients new content is Tweeted/Shared/ReTweeted as part of the service.

I created a Bitcoin Twitter account just in case I take on a cryptocurrency relevant SEO client. On January 9th 2018 the account was only 21 days old with ~2,000 Followers and below is a screenshot of it’s impressions over those few weeks: just over 50,000 impressions.

New Bitcoin Twitter Account Impressions
New Bitcoin Twitter Account Impressions

As you can see in the screenshot above it’s generating a decent impression number for a new Twitter account and this is nothing compared to Twitter accounts which are only a few months older. The top Tweet with 5,900 impressions was Tweeted yesterday and I haven’t ReTweeted it (seeded for a greater reach) over multiple other Twitter accounts yet.

Another Tweet on a different account (politics with just under 10,000 followers) generated over 100,000 impressions over the course of a week.

Popular Tweet with 100k Impressions
Popular Tweet with 100k Impressions

The above Tweet was ReTweeted over 1,400 times organically: I seeded the ReTweets over half a dozen accounts and the rest is viral. As one of my SEO clients that could be a Tweet related to your business.

Tweet Activity Large Number of ReTweets
Tweet Activity Large Number of ReTweets

If I take on a cryptocurrency SEO client I’ll share their content on the Bitcoin Twitter account as part of the SEO service. Sometimes a promoted Tweet will go viral, other times it won’t.

When I take on a new SEO client in a niche I currently do not have a relevant Twitter account for I’ll build or possibly buy one (or more) to share the clients content.

I want SEO clients to generate a good return on their investment.

The Perfect SEO Client

SEO budget of above $1,000 a month.

Looking for a long-term business relationship: I’ve worked with some clients for over 5 years.

Have at least one employee with the skills** to enact technical SEO advice.

**Hands on work where a client lacks the technical know how to make a change etc… is at a rate of $80 an hour, though when I give advice I’ll try to include solutions like code for no charge: this might be a code snippet or even a customised WordPress plugin (if a WordPress user) to achieve an outcome.

The perfect SEO client either already has a decent amount of quality content or are working towards creating new content: there’s not much point hiring an SEO expert for a basic 5 page website, without content a site is highly unlikely to generate a ROI on a high-end SEO service.

Request an SEO Quote

If you are a good fit for my SEO service please contact me at davidlseo@gmail.com with information about your website needs and I’ll get back to you. Or use the contact form below.

Request for Quote (#1)

Please include as many details as possible about your SEO services requirements so I can help you get the most from your business website.

Please Note: There’s no guarantees with search engine optimization, all I can guarantee is I won’t take on a client I don’t believe I can help (ROI).

David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

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