Your Potential Customers are Flooded with so Many Brands, with Competing Slogans & Messages

Your Potential Customers are Flooded with so Many Brands, with Competing Slogans & Messages

Your potential customers are flooded with so many brands, with competing slogans and messages on the TV, radio, traditional print media and of course the Internet, it’s a crowded environment.

Consumers are Blind to Branding White Noise

Consumers are Blind to Branding White Noise

Many consumers are blind to this ‘branding white noise’, to stand out from the crowd your brand must find it’s distinctive brand voice. The brand message must be consistent across all content, advertising and marketing material, if your brand voice lacks consistency your customers will be confused and won’t buy your product/services at all or won’t become loyal repeat customers!

Identify Your Brand Voice, Identify Your Customers

Identify Your Brand Voice, Identify Your Customers

Identify Your Brand Voice, Identify Your Customers

Before identifying your brand voice you must identify your customers. Interviewing customers taking into account different products/services you offer can provide valuable insight to develop your brand in the right direction.

  • Who are your customers?
  • How old are they?
  • Where are they from?
  • How did they find you?
  • Why do they trust your brand? (Do they trust your brand???)
  • Etc…
Do NOT Overwhelming your Brands Core Message with White Noise

Do NOT Overwhelming your Brands Core Message with White Noise

Look for common answers you can turn into or add to your unique brand voice, but do not make the mistake of overwhelming your brands core message with too much ‘white noise’.

Keep it simple, keep it consistent.

Your Brand Message in a Few Words

Find your Distinctive Brand Voice

Find your Distinctive Brand Voice

Brainstorm with your staff what keywords best describe your brand. For example your main product could be described as:

Fast, Environmentally Friendly, Competitive

Expand on these keywords.

Fast : The product works faster than competing products.

Environmentally Friendly : The product is more environmentally friendly vs competing products.

Competitive : You sell the product at a competitive price.

When you’ve found your brand voice ensure consistency across your entire business platform, all members of staff should be aware of what your brand message is.

Know Your Brand Voice

Know Your Brand Voice

Do not assume because you know your brands voice, ALL members of staff are singing from the same hymn sheet!

David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

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