The first digital marketing agency listed within the Google local organic search results for Skegness is Passion Digital:
Passion Digital Ltd is a London based digital marketing agency offering PPC/Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Services, Content Marketing, Conversion Tracking, Web Design and Development, and Digital Strategy…
Since Passion Digital aren’t a local Skegness business they don’t show up in the Skegness Local Google Map listings.
The Google Lighthouse screenshot is for Passion Digital’s homepage, see the live MOBILE Lighthouse results at:
The Google Lighthouse screenshot is for Coast Digital’s homepage, see the live Lighthouse results at:
Passion Digital Homepage Time to Interactive: 14.6 seconds
The mobile SEO performance results are terrible, (I’ve seen worse) there’s some evidence of basic caching (WP Rocket is installed), but beyond that there doesn’t appear to be any more performance improving techniques used.
Looking at a random WordPress Blog Post and even the Lighthouse DESKTOP results aren’t great, see the live Lighthouse results at:
The Google Lighthouse Desktop test is easier than the Mobile test, if you run the Blog post in mobile it only scores 8/100 for Performance and time to interactive was over 20 seconds!
There’s a lot of performance and basic SEO issues here, from not optimizing image filenames, not lazy loading images, not using the right sized images, not optimizing images for size etc…
What’s a little disconcerting for a digital agency offering webdesign and SEO services is the people creating content for the Passion Digital Blog are not bothering with alt text!
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