Passion Digital Ltd Poor Performance SEO Results

Passion Digital Ltd Poor Performance SEO Results

Reviewing a random WordPress Blog Post and even the Lighthouse DESKTOP results aren’t great, see the live Lighthouse results at:

The Google Lighthouse Desktop test is easier than the Mobile test, if you run the blog post in mobile it only scores 8/100 for Performance!

There’s a lot of performance and basic SEO issues here, from not optimizing image filenames, not lazy loading images, not using the right sized images, not optimizing images for size etc…

What’s a little disconcerting for a digital marketing agency offering webdesign and SEO services is the people creating content for the Passion Digital Blog are not bothering with alt text!

I looked through a few Blog posts and there’s ZERO image SEO. The filenames are random, looks like they keep whatever the image files are named when they acquired them and they add no alt text!

Renaming image files and alt text is basic SEO 101 and usability 101!

Onpage SEO takes planning, for every image I add to this website it’s resized (if possible) to work with sharing on social media: I aim for a 2:1 ratio, so 1,800px by 900px is what I used above.

Image filenames are planned and hyphenated: this-is-a-good-seo-filename.jpg and ThisisA_terribleFilename_827-354_franks.jpg.

I did a little keyword research for the “Passion Digital Ltd Poor Performance SEO Results” image above and settled on passion-digital-ltd-poor-performance-seo-results.jpg.

I replicate the image filename minus the hyphens (-) for the alt text: I built a WordPress plugin to automate the process, so “passion-digital-ltd-poor-performance-seo-results” becomes alt=”Passion Digital Ltd Poor Performance Seo Results” automatically.

As a perfectionist I manually modify words like Seo to SEO, Google wouldn’t care, but…

This image filename and alt text helps me gain “Passion Digital Ltd” SERPs like “Passion Digital Ltd Review”. The rest “Poor Performance SEO Results” supports the SEO narrative I’m building and will be useful for linking to/from other webpages.

The WordPress Image Attachment Pages (like this one) includes a built in Twitter schedule feature, as soon as a Post is published, the Post AND all the WordPress Image Attachments are added to a Twitter schedule where they will be Tweeted (usually within a week or two).

When I’m creating other WordPress Posts and Images I have another custom WordPress feature which I use to search through the WordPress Image Attachment Pages via keywords. If I create or edit some content including the text “Performance SEO” I might find and link to this WordPress Image Attachment. All the links from this content were added that way.

Linking content together this way is basic SEO, but it does take up a lot of time/effort. Clearly the marketing people at Passion Digital Ltd don’t understand any of these basic SEO techniques and really shouldn’t be offering SEO services.

They might be awesome at PPC, email marketing, writing fancy SEO reports, but based on their own content, they don’t understand basic SEO.

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