Really quick LinkedIn link sharing tip for when the wrong preview image is shown.

When sharing a link on LinkedIn sometimes LinkedIn will show the wrong share image preview and even the wrong webpage!

It’s a caching issue and it’s not possible to clear the actual LinkedIn cache. There’s no way to force LinkedIn to refresh it’s cache, you have to wait for LinkedIn to clear the cache and that’s frustrating!

LinkedIn Link Share Wrong Preview Image and URL

LinkedIn Link Share Wrong Preview Image and URL

LinkedIn Link Share Wrong Preview Image and URL

I had this happen earlier today because I sometimes create new articles as private WordPress Posts: I don’t want them indexed until they are finished, but need access to the WordPress attachment URLs (WordPress doesn’t create the attachment URLs until the Post is published) for setting up custom Tweet links and associating SEO data on the attachment webpages.

Sometimes the result is LinkedIn and other social media networks cache the private URL and as it doesn’t exist (they can’t spider it, it’s private) it uses the home page information: I’ve a soft 404 redirect setup on this site for SEO reasons so 404 error pages redirect to home.

Clearing LinkedIn Link Sharing Preview Cache

Fortunately there’s a really quick/easy fix, simply add a variable to the end of the URL you are trying to share. A variable is just a question mark (?) with almost anything after it, i.e.

By adding a variable social media bots (and search engine bots like Googlebot) will be forced to load that dynamic URL and will create a new cache based on what’s on that specific URL. In the example LinkedIn would find exactly the same OpenGraph share data as (it’s the same webpage).

Clearing LinkedIn Link Sharing Preview Cache

Clearing LinkedIn Link Sharing Preview Cache

When sharing a link on LinkedIn if the preview shows the wrong share image or even the wrong webpage LinkedIn is using an old cache. Add ?anything to the end of the link URL to force LinkedIn to load a new cache for that URL.

The ?anything can also be used for tracking clicks from specific places:


David Law

David Law : Technical SEO Expert with 25+ years Online Business, SEO, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing experience... Creator of multiple WordPress SEO Themes and SEO Plugins. Interests: wildlife, walking, environmental issues, politics, economics, journalism, consumer rights.

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