One interesting Camping World SEO opportunity is related to Camping World locations. The Camping World business model relies on franchises which means there are in effect over 100 smaller businesses which make up the Camping World store locations and each one will to some degree be competing for RV sales etc… with other Camping World stores near them (near their customers).
Basic Google keyword research for the phrase “Camping World” indicates almost 75% of the top 100 Google Camping World search phrases by monthly search volume are specific Camping Word locations:
Camping World Location – Monthly Google Search Volume
- Camping World Locations – 8100
- Camping World OKC – 4400
- Camping World Akron – 3600
- Camping World Las Vegas – 3600
- Camping World Myrtle Beach – 3600
- Camping World Chattanooga – 2900
- Camping World Nashville – 2900
- Camping World Tampa – 2900
- Camping World Tucson – 2900
- Camping World Albuquerque – 2400
- Camping World Asheville – 2400
- Camping World Bakersfield – 2400
- Camping World Cedar Falls – 2400
- Camping World Concord – 2400
- Camping World Denver – 2400
- Camping World Fort Myers – 2400
- Camping World Fresno – 2400
- Camping World Harrisburg – 2400
- Camping World Idaho Falls – 2400
- Camping World Katy – 2400
- Camping World Longmont – 2400
- Camping World Mesa – 2400
- Camping World NH – 2400
- Camping World Syracuse – 2400
- Camping World Tulsa – 2400
- Camping World Vacaville – 2400
- Camping World Biloxi – 1900
- Camping World Colorado Springs – 1900
- Camping World Columbia MO – 1900
- Camping World Columbia SC – 1900
- Camping World Georgetown KY – 1900
- Camping World Hanover PA – 1900
- Camping World Jackson MS – 1900
- Camping World Kingston – 1900
- Camping World Lubbock – 1900
- Camping World New Braunfels – 1900
- Camping World Pasco – 1900
- Camping World Richmond – 1900
- Camping World Spartanburg – 1900
- Camping World Spokane – 1900
- Camping World Valencia – 1900
- Camping World Akron Ohio – 1600
- Camping World Boise – 1600
- Camping World Bowling Green KY – 1600
- Camping World Burlington – 1600
- Camping World Byron GA – 1600
- Camping World Colfax – 1600
- Camping World Concord NC – 1600
- Camping World Council Bluffs – 1600
- Camping World Draper – 1600
- Camping World Grand Rapids – 1600
- Camping World Greenwood – 1600
- Camping World Harrisburg PA – 1600
- Camping World Indianapolis – 1600
- Camping World Manassas – 1600
- Camping World Meridian – 1600
- Camping World Myrtle Beach SC – 1600
- Camping World Nashville TN – 1600
- Camping World Oakwood – 1600
- Camping World Ocala – 1600
- Camping World Sioux Falls – 1600
- Camping World Woodstock – 1600
- Camping World Calera – 1300
- Camping World Chichester NH – 1300
- Camping World Denton – 1300
- Camping World Fife – 1300
- Camping World Florida – 1300
- Camping World Greenville NC – 1300
- Camping World Hanover – 1300
- Camping World Houghton Lake – 1300
- Camping World Jacksonville – 1300
- Camping World Kansas City – 1300
- Camping World Katy TX – 1300
- Camping World Kingston NY – 1300
There are 73 Camping World locations listed above, which tells us out of the top 100 Google search phrases only 27 aren’t locations! That’s a LOT of traffic related to specific Camping World locations and I only checked the top 100 search phrases, there will be LOTS more search phrases with over 1,000 monthly searchers not listed above, that’s a hell of a lot of search engine traffic on the table related to one brands local stores.
I haven’t checked them all, but would assume the main Camping World website will have a section for each local RV dealership, the ones I did check had a section on the Camping World RV store site ranked number one in Google, BUT some of these search phrases are VERY vulnerable to SEO competition.
Search Google for “Camping World Nashville TN” for example (include the “speech marks”) there’s only 5,000 webpages in Google which uses the exact phrase “Camping World Nashville TN”. This means a webpage on a competitors site with the title tag “Camping World Nashville TN” and good on-page SEO could gain top 3 in Google without having to work on backlinks.
Another location at random “Camping World Biloxi” has just 1,800 webpages indexed by Google (note this numbers aren’t accurate, you will see inconsistencies which don’t make sense) with the exact text “Camping World Biloxi”. We can also check to see how many webpages use the search phrase in the title via two Google searches:
intitle:Camping World Biloxi
The above is a loose intitle: search, it looks for webpages indexed by Google with the three words Camping World Biloxi which can be in any order, so a webpage with title tag “Biloxi Camping World” would match for the above search, but wouldn’t be listed for the next exact match Google search:
intitle:"Camping World Biloxi"
This is an exact match (anything within “speech marks” is exact match) intitle search.
For the loose intitle:Camping World Biloxi there’s 51,400 results which sounds a lot, but many are on the Camping World website. For the exact match search intitle:”Camping World Biloxi” there’s 88 results with ZERO on the Camping World site, that’s because on the Camping World website the relevant dealer section has the title Biloxi Camping World.
Since real people (about 1,900 a month) are searching Google for Camping World Biloxi that’s a tempting SERP for a competitor, with how poorly SEO’d the Camping World website is it could be possible to rank number 1 in Google for Camping World Biloxi.
As I looked through the Camping World Location SERPs I saw domains like:
The domain was ranked right after the Camping World domain for the Camping World Biloxi Google search with the title tag: “RV Dealers in Biloxi, Mississippi | Camping World RV – Biloxi” which isn’t a very good title SEO wise.
Below that is with a title tag: “Camping World of Biloxi – 21 Photos & 24 Reviews – RV Dealers – 8010 E Oaklawn Rd, Biloxi, MS – Phone Number – Yelp” which is awful SEO wise! A few minor changes could see Yelp probably rank number 1 in Google for the Camping World Biloxi search.
If those two sites had better on-page SEO they might beat Camping World for these specific location SERPs.
Would make for an interesting SEO test to create some small webpages targeting the Camping World Locations SERPs.
Continue Reading Camping World RV Sales Review
This is a Camping World Biloxi SEO test.
The Camping World Biloxi Google search phrase sees around 1,900 searches a month, a number 1 Google listing for Camping World Biloxi would generate just under 1/3rd or 600 odd visitors a month. The 2nd Google result will likely generate about 1/4 of the searches or around 475 visitors a month, the 3rd result will likely generate just under 1/5th of the searches or around 350 visitors a month.
Currently the Camping World RV Sales site is ranked number 1 and 2 in Google, ranking above the Camping World RV Sales site without significant SEO effort (some backlinks) would be difficult, but targeting the 3rd spot currently held by is achievable.
I’m going to try to gain the 3rd listing in Google for the Camping World Biloxi SERP with this WordPress comment: that’s a difficult SEO test.
To make this interesting I looked for a Camping World Biloxi Review I could use for content for this comment and found a negative Camping World Biloxi Review on Yelp at which caught my eye.
Camping World Biloxi Review
A representative of Camping World of Biloxi replied to the negative Camping World review:
I completely understand Fred’s annoyance here and why he wrote the negative Camping World Biloxi review. Businesses like Camping World spend millions of dollars a year attracting customers like Fred who might be ready to spend $30,000+ on a camper van and Camping World of Biloxi dropped the ball at the goal line over $1! WoW!!!
I’m sure the Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis would agree it’s at times of business mistakes like these which can turn a person like Fred into a life long customer and advocate for the brand IF the business recognises what’s REALLY important.
Fred doesn’t care about the dollar, he cares that some of the Camping World staff at Biloxi didn’t give him good treatment, that’s why he wrote the review. Had the staff gone out of their way and given him VIP treatment they’d have probably gained a life long customer who would rave about the brand for years. Fred is a heavy Yelp user (1,866 friends, 225 reviews, 570 photos) he’s not the sort of person you want to piss off over a dollar! All businesses should assume every potential customer they are dealing with is like Fred and when they feel mistreated they will go to Yelp and other review sites and share their mistreatment. Had the Camping World Biloxi staff treated Fred like a valued customer there’s a very good chance he’d have wrote a positive Camping World review (Fred has already written 225 Yelp reviews).
I’m like Fred, annoy me and I’ll review your business and as an SEO expert will make sure thousands of your potential customers will read my reviews.
For example a web design business SPAM emailed me and put my name and home address on their Blog (which is illegal, it’s called doxxing) after I wrote a short comment review which ranked high in Google for their review SERPs. I’m now ranked top 5 in Google for their business name Web Consultancy. An Aylesbury SEO company posted SPAM comments on my site, how I’m ranked top 3 in Google for Aylesbury SEO due to a review.
Don’t piss off your potential customers, some of us write reviews to teach you a lesson to treat us with the respect we deserve.
A simple case of a Camping World staff member apologising for the mistake (which they are correct isn’t technically Camping World’s fault, it’s the vending machine operators at fault) and rectifying the mistake would have been so easy.
The Biloxi staff member could have refunded Fred his $1 and offered him a free cup of coffee/tea/water/bottle drink, basically treat him like a valued customer, NOT an annoyance to fob off!
The Camping World Biloxi sales rep understood Fred’s value, the sales rep called Fred to offer him a $25 Camping World gift voucher as an apology and a $100 Camping World gift voucher if he bought an RV to try to salvage the lost sale. Unfortunately for the Camping World sales rep the trust had been lost and is not easy to buy back.
And for balance a positive Camping World Biloxi Review:
Camping World of Biloxi Review
Here the Camping World Biloxi staff member went above and beyond for no monetary gain, but the goodwill will result in Suzen putting Camping World at the top of the list the next time they have a camper van issue.
Always remember when reading online reviews a person is far more likely to write a review if they are annoyed or really happy about the customer experience. Treat your Camping World customers like you are serving Marcus Lemonis and maybe you’ll only get positive online reviews.
David Law