Full Mobile PageSpeed Insights Yoast SEO Post Result

Full Mobile PageSpeed Insights Yoast SEO Post Result

This is the URL to the live Google Page Speed Insights Tool Test: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=yoast.com%2Fopinion-on-sliders%2F

Mobile 27/100
Desktop 54/100
User Experience 98/100

Mobile and Desktop is in the red, not good! I was shocked when I saw 27/100 for mobile, that’s awful!

It was interesting all Yoast webpages I checked had the “Reduce Server Response Time” issue:

Reduce server response time
In our test, your server responded in 1.3 seconds. There are many factors that can slow down your server response time. Please read our recommendations to learn how you can monitor and measure where your server is spending the most time.

That was particularly surprising considering how much Yoast goes on about paying for the best webhosting and using the MAXCDN (content distribution network – not cheap). At times almost all domains will trip the Reduce server response time issue, I use a cheap Godaddy VPS server for my sites and rarely see this warning, but then I’ve developed Stallion Responsive with performance and pagespeed in mind so it will run well on a cheap hosting package.

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